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Yacht 'EMERALD.H.D.'
Completed the Iroko edgings aft of the Main Cabin, including another corner joint which didn't have one straight and square angle. Wood identified to form the cockpit side capping, the forward end of which will meet up to and go underneath the newly made corner edging pieces - which is why these appear to be cut short. Another piece of Iroko will sit along side the long lengths, on the inside, so both these pieces cover the Cockpit Corner main joint. Wood is now planed up, to batten the cockpit sides inside, with Iroko battens, to strengthen the cockpit side, and thicken it to be substantial to take the capping.
Next job on the list was to actually glue in place all these edgings I'd been making. Not a task I was looking forward to. De-greased all the timbers, epoxied and screwed into place, then with epoxy glued plugs in the screw holes. For one moment I thought I was putting mahogany plugs in Iroko holes, even though I'd carefully sorted them out. When Iroko is wet it goes a dark colour - and looks like mahogany for a start. Not going to loose any sleep over it, its done now.
Did the forward cabin edgings, and the front of the main cabin. Can't continue with the Main cabin edgings, until the epoxy has gone off and I have sanded down the plugs, of what I've done. Lots and lots of sanding coming up ...... Having to cover the boat over now, because as I'm sanding now this will be the finished surface ready for varnishing.
Continued gluing, putting in place the deck/Cabin side edging strips, and then the Main Cabin Iroko forward strip, plugging all the screws holes.
Contemplated the windows - Round or Oval ? Decided to plummet for Oval Openers
Made a pattern of the flange, the cut most out with jigsaw.
All ready for bedding with mastic and fixing in place, then only another three more portlights to fit !. Next jobs coming up .... Cockpit side cappings, epoxy main cabin edgings & cockpit battening, whilst sanding areas for starting to varnish.