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Yacht 'EMERALD.H.D.'
Lots and lots of thought, measuring, re-thinking, cups of tea, and finally setting to work sawing, chiselling, routering, drilling and loads of sanding, the cockpit coamings are really taking shape. Not one right angle in sight. The long length of Iroko just needs a little coaching to close the gap forward, and aft a very slight bend inwards, so the gap is on the inner side, to take the battening of the cockpit side - next job to do. The very aft end will need some improvisation and laminating to continue the same edging around the aft edge of the cockpit side, which is a right angled curve. No problem ?!
Very encouraging to see more of the final finishes of wood taking shape - looking forward to stating varnishing. Also in consideration at this point is the location of the aft winches whether to build frame, or box. Lots of variations being contemplated and looking at other boats for ideas.
Gaps are closing up nicely. Will be a relief when time comes to glue in place, but lots more to happen first.
Great clamps, the Pony clamps - just the job here. Next, as I have been planning to batten out the inner sides of the cockpit sides. Needs to be done to prevent the sides splitting as could happen with a slab of mahogany, and indeed this has happened with the cabin (what does one call them) aft sides each side of the companionway entranceway.
First though, need to do the lower edging iroko mouldings, all made recently by myself, to accommodate the flexiteek decking on the cockpit seating area eventually.
mouldings all done, and now to cut and fit to shape the iroko battenings.
All progressing well, and then in the corner battening vertical as a contrast. Should look nice all varnished.
Then battening either side of the companionway entrance. Then to fit back in place the Iroko cockpit coaming pieces.Considering its early 2011, by time spring arrives should be ready for lots and lots of glueing and screwing, and plugging.
more to follow soon .....