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Yacht 'EMERALD.H.D.'
Decided to do the main cabin forward edgings in two sections, a piece of mahogany for the lower part, and Iroko for the upper part. None of these pieces of wood are off the shelf, they all have to be machined up from lumber, which all takes time.
The end of a good weekend, and I've got where I wanted to be with the edgings. All fitted pieces are now countersunk for the screwholes, ready for glueing in place, and wood plugs glued in. Just needs the sharp edges rounding off and then I can start a path of epoxying all these pieces into place, along with the edging pieces ready made up for deck level. I could not glue these in place until the cabin edgings were in place. The wood you see near the hatch area, is a mock up of the start of the cockpit combing area. Needs to have option of canopy for better comfort in the cockpit. The goal is this summer to get the flexiteek decking down.
more to come soon.......