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Yacht 'EMERALD.H.D.'
After sweeping Emerald down, where does all the dust come from !?, re-assessed where things got let off 15 months ago. Moved around the lighting which all got altered to light up the Dinghy Restoration Project. Target job this year, is to complete the deck cabin edges & corners in preparation for fitting Flexiteek on the deck. Also have decided on making a cockpit coaming to facilitate fitting a spray hood in future. This will be made in wood, laminated to the curviture. Quite a major job but will be well worth it.
Lots of brain racking work now continuing the work on the deck cabin corners and edges, which is going to need some more steaming to be done after lots of planing and routering the timbers to shape
On the left, lots of timber cut to size and planed, but how on earth do you do all these corner joints which are obviously needed. not to mention bending timber to shape, its all very mind bending
Iroko is a nice wood but very dofficult to plane by hand, needs to be sanded by hand. vertical corner pieces you see here had to be shaped on the back side to fit the edge of the cabins which are not square in any angle
Working aft now up to the main cabin forward and side edgings which present double compound curves on the main cabin frontage itself cannot do this as one piece like the forward cabin
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/Diary Section 37> |