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Yacht 'EMERALD.H.D.'
This page covers: Flexiteek Decking work, Deck fittings put in place. Galley construction and companionway steps in place....
Winch boxes fabricated
Patterns made of all the areas where Flexiteek to be layed. Making up the Flexiteek sections was done at home, before glueing down with epoxy on the deck.
Working below...On the left will be the saloon bunk. The steps seen are temporary. The engine is underneath the tartan blanket
This area houses the battery charger. The green tank is fresh water. A calorifier is installed below the charger, along with plumbing for the Galley, and a site for the engine water filter and coolant expansion tank
The galley has been very cleverly designed, by Garry, so that the 2 sinks and cooker, all gimble as one unit. Ever tried making cups of tea whilst sailing and end up with cups half full cos the sink not gimbled!!