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Yacht 'EMERALD.H.D.'
How we came to take on a Yacht Building Project. The Hull, 'Emerald', was imported into England back in 1972, from Poland. The Hull was slid, using block and tackle, underneath a very scanty prefab outbuilding, in a field. Adjacent was a post war pre-fab building, ideal for storing timber and using as a workshop.
Progress on the Hull 'Emerald' project, by the owner at that time, was in between trying to earn a living, on Yachts in the Mediterranean. He had also a 21'6" wooden Harry Feltham Sloop Yacht, which was brought alongside the Hull, in the 70's. She was a lovely Yacht bought secondhand around 1958. For further info of this Harry Feltham yacht see Pindoe page. The owner of the land had, in the past, used the buildings where the Hull ‘Emerald’ had been put, for his boat at that time, and around 1976, he, himself, built another purpose-built shed close-by, in the field, to facilitate his renovation of an old "Gaff Rigged Yacht", which had been originally built in 1881. He, himself, had only just retired. The Yacht projects where progressing well alongside each other. Both chaps were talented individuals , striving to complete their individual ambitions. Ten years later, in 1986, the owner of the land had completed his renovation and launched his Yacht. However due to circumstances the Hull ‘Emerald’ project came to a standstill. The year was now 1984. A young English chap took off to South of France, on a one way bus ticket, seeking work and to rethink the future following marital problems. This young chap is a very highly skilled carpenter/joiner. One evening, in a french Bistro, the young chap, met a Captain, who was looking for a person to do some work on a Yacht. The young chap , not wishing to undertake any old rough jobs, politely said "I only do very high quality joinery work", which was very true. To his surprise the Captain replied, "That is exactly what I am looking for !". From that moment on developed, what was to be a long-lasting relationship with the Captain. The Captain was the owner of the Hull 'Emerald'. Sometime later back in England the young chap dissolved the marriage problems, and several years later met up with a young lady, who later developed as much interest in the Yachting world, as himself. A holiday to South of France was decided upon to search for the Captain , for whom the young chap had worked for in 1984. The year was now approx 1988. The young couple drove there and back in their Car. Word from people in the Marinas in South of France, was that the Captain was back in England for a break. On the return journey the couple stopped off at the site where the Hull 'Emerald' was. The Captain was there, and was very pleased to see the young chap again. A visit to the Southampton Boat Show, with the Captain, rounded off an excellent holiday. Contact was maintained with the Captain, even though the Captain had to go back to the South of France. In the meantime the owner of the land where the Hull 'Emerald' was, was desperate to clear the land to pass the land to his son. The Captain was torn between wanting to complete the project , but not having the time, and resources, to do so. The young couple in the meantime had developed a love for the Hull 'Emerald', and contemplated buying it from the Captain, and completing it themselves. It was a blow to the couple when the young chap suddenly had an aneurysm, which necessitated a life saving brain operation. He was very fortunate to survive and whilst still recovering, his determination to achieve his life-long ambition of building a Yacht strengthened. Lots of correspondence followed between himself, the owner of the land, and the Captain in South of France. To facilitate clearing the land, the Captain's wooden Yacht, having been there for approximately 20 years, needed much work doing to it, to make it watertight to be able to launch it. The Captain arranged to come back to England to work on it. The young couple, driving approx a 300 mile round trip, worked through the winter of 1991 at weekends , with the Captain, and in six months the Captain's Yacht was ready for launching. The Keel Bolts had been replaced. Caulking of all the seams was done, it was a wooden carvel Hull. Re-Painting the deck canvas. Removing the Stuart Turner petrol engine (the head had cracked) and fitted in a Lister Petter mini twin Diesel engine. The Lister Petter diesel engine was bought new, and had been sitting in the Hull 'Emerald’ since 1979 . The young chap took on the task of rearranging the engine beds to accommodate the Lister Petter engine. He did it all by measurement, and when the day came to fit the engine, it fitted perfectly first time. Replacement of the Cockpit Sole, plus many many other typical pre launch tasks were done. On the launching day it was a very emotional time for the couple, and the Captain. The Captain was then sailing the Yacht through the canals, down to the South of France. For further info of this Harry Feltham yacht see Pindoe page. Prior to the launching of the Captains Yacht, an agreement was made between the young couple and the Captain, and the young couple, Lance and Ruth, became the owners of the Hull 'Emerald'. Discussions with the Land owner enabled the couple to work on the Hull, where it was sited, for at least another two years. Lance is a highly skilled Carpenter/Joiner, and Ruth is a Computer Systems Analyst/Programmer. Lance had taken a job with Fairline Boats, as a Carpenter/Joiner/Boatfitter to learn as much about Boat building as he could pick up. This added to what he had learnt and picked up whilst working in the South of France. The timber imported with the Hull ‘Emerald’ was all Lumber. An added complication was that the Plans for the Hull ‘Emerald’ were in Polish!. The land where the Hull ‘Emerald’ project was, was 150 miles from home, and necessitated a 300 mile round trip each weekend. For at least three years hardly a weekend was missed, even through winter, and all holidays were spent working on the Hull. Peppy, the cat was as much a part of the project and he was taken down to the Yacht 'Emerald' when Ruth and Lance spent the whole week there.
Accommodation whilst working on the Hull consisted of a Transit Van. Removable Units had been specially made comprising bed, sink, toilet, cooker and fridge, and the Van had been insulated. Very compact, and snug during the freezing temperatures. The conveniently sited local pub served excellent bar meals.
For details of the Project over the years, as and when it happened, the Diary pages contain extracts of the records kept of the achievements, problems, setbacks, worries and progress.
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